
Episode 9: Are CRM Vendors Failing The Higher Ed Industry?

Episode Summary

If your CRM isn’t helping your process become more seamless or your student intake to become bigger AND better, then it’s not working. In this episode, we take a look at who’s responsible for this gap in implementation.

Episode Notes

Anyone who has been in higher ed for the past decade knows that CRM technology has changed A LOT. Tools, data, AI, integrations, automations…all spanning the entire student life cycle.  

But what hasn’t changed as quickly is our human capacity — or maybe desire — to adopt new technology into our process.  We ALL want to be pros (working smarter with the right tools) but sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. And this poses a problem; both to institutions and to product developers.

At CRMprov, we believe in technology, but not just the implementation of technology; growth through technology! So, if technology isn’t helping your process become more seamless or your student intake to become bigger AND better, then it’s not working. In this episode we take a look at who’s responsible for this gap in implementation.

Join us as we consider diagnostics for both the institutional user and the technology company.

Learn more about this episode and about our sponsors in our show notes.