
Episode 8: Here We Go Again — Leveraging CRM and Other Data Resources to Communicate Pertinently

Episode Summary

In this episode, Mickey and Jamie take a look at how campus leaders can react to the potential issues that might face them on campus this fall with the recent pandemic flare-up.

Episode Notes

Fall is right around the corner. With the recent delta variant flare-up, colleges and universities are preparing for student arrivals on this point, anyway. The major difference this fall is that most of these institutions have been planning to go back to in-person learning.

In this episode, Mickey and Jamie take a look at how campus leaders can react to the potential issues that might face them on campus this fall.  Whether it’s contact tracing or communicating with resident students or program majors, we discuss how campus leaders can assemble a  top-notch team in order to respond using relevant data points.

Looking down the road, we also take a quick glance at how data collected during this recent health crisis could be leveraged in such a way to make the overall enrollment process more seamless. Go get that refill on your coffee cup, put away your spreadsheet (at least for the next 20 minutes) and let’s make your process better together!

Learn more about this episode and about our sponsors in our show notes.