
Episode 14: New Year’s Resolution 2022: Don’t Practice What You Preach, Preach What You Practice!

Episode Summary

In today’s show, Jamie and Mickey frame up what the next few shows are going to look like as the team at CRMprov uses 2022 to explore the CRM functionalities and technologies that are currently used in other industries.  Why do that? You’ll need to listen to hear all the reasons : ). We’re doing this exploration to better understand how higher ed can bring these practices into our field/space at a much faster pace, at scale.

Episode Notes

It’s a pretty well known fact that CRM technology is usually pretty far behind in the higher ed space (when compared to other industries).  That’s the bad news. BUT, 2022 represents a new beginning…a season when we can all move beyond theory and into expanded practice.

In today’s show, Jamie and Mickey frame up what the next few shows are going to look like as the team at CRMprov uses 2022 to explore the CRM functionalities and technologies that are currently used in other industries.  Why do that? You’ll need to listen to hear all the reasons : ). We’re doing this exploration to better understand how higher ed can bring these practices into our field/space at a much faster pace, at scale. 

From marketing service providers to non-profit organizations and maybe even some conversations with B2B or B2C retail - they all use different tools within their CRM.  And the CRMprov team wants you and your team/institution to gain from what these other industries are already doing!