
Ep. 24: Fast is Slow – Slow is Fast: the costly repercussions of rushing your CRM implementation

Episode Summary

In this episode, Mickey and Jamie take a walk through the halls of CRM/tech implementation…and discuss how rushing the process can be a costly endeavor - usually one that can be avoided! 

Episode Notes

We have probably all done it at one time or another - underestimating the time it will take to complete a project or overlooking the possible hurdles that will come up! Whether it is cutting short the steps or estimating too conservatively (or overlooking the contingencies that need to be factored in) the project timeline.  

A lot of time when you try to speed through something - especially when it comes to software implementation or systems integration - there is a HUGE cost to improper planning.  

In this episode, Mickey and Jamie take a walk through the halls of implementation…and discuss how rushing the process can be a costly endeavor - usually one that can be avoided!  If your fall has you planning - and you’re tempted to cut corners or shortchange a timeline - you should listen to this episode.

This episode is brought to you by UNINCORPORATED (UN) - a higher education agency committed to building awareness, growing enrollment, and launching programs for universities. They believe that education is the primary means of ascension in society, so they use their expertise to help colleges and universities recruit and train the next generation. They work closely with deans, administrators, and faculty who are worried about their programs’ success and need additional expertise to remain relevant and appeal to their stakeholders. UNINCORPORATED's mission is to help colleges and universities enhance their programs by providing strategic direction and expertise in branding, marketing, and design.

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