How are you using data to leverage more growth in your institution…and how can you do it better?
In this episode, Mickey and Jamie crack open the labyrinth of all things data in the education space. They share insights into how institutions can dive into the treasure troves of data available to them. Their guide for this chat is Brad Weiner, Director of Data Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder.
The free-range journey takes some interesting twists and turns as they discuss the mass of data available to most institutions, the difficulty of “point solutions” that use some data points but cannot process others, and the role of status quo bias in the decision to leverage data to make appropriate change.
It is nothing short of a riff, but the takeaway really boils down to this: How are you using data to leverage more growth in your institution…and how can you do it better? Join us on the journey of fields, data points, and software integrations as we explore data in the world of higher ed.
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